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Daily Blog #788: Things not to do when creating test clouds part 2

Hello Reader,In my previous post, I discussed the challenges encountered when signing up for cloud services using IP addresses originating from AWS EC2. Today,...

Daily Blog #787: Things not to do when creating test clouds part 1

 Hello Reader, Today I wanted to share an important lesson I learned while creating a test cloud environment. Whenever I need to generate a test dataset for...

Daily Blog #786: Sunday Funday 3/23/25

 Hello Reader, Last week we focused on SSH logins and tunnels between two linux systems. At the conclusion of this Chris Eng, of the ogmini blog , proposed...

Daily Blog #785: Solution Saturday 3/22/25

 Hello Reader,This week's SSH challenge had several contenders. It's always interesting to see what does and does not get your attention and time! I think...

Daily Blog #784: Validating linux systems with Yum

Hello Reader,In the prior posts I've been posting about using rpm to validate packages, but there are other package managers out there. I've decided to look into...

Daily Blog #783: Automating rpm checks

 Hello Reader,I'm recreating my 24 year old perl scipt in bash to allow someone to validate all of the installed rpms on a system against both the local rpm...

Daily Blog #782: Validating linux packages other than rpms

 Hello Reader,      We've talked about validating rpms in several posts now but there are other package managers besides rpm. Let's talk about...

Daily Blog #781: Validating local linux hashes to their distros

 Hello Reader, In my previous blog post, I explained how to use the rpm tool to validate a file on disk against the local RPM metadata. But what if you suspect...
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