Daily Blog #78: Sunday Funday 9/8/13 Winner!

Sunday Funday by David Cowen - Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics Blog

Hello Reader,
          This was an interesting contest, when I was writing the scenario I anticipated a different set of answers than what I received. What came in correct but focused on what Dropbox can provide you rather than the dead box artifacts that I was expecting to see as they are widely published and known.

The Challenge:

Your suspect had a corporate laptop running Windows 7 and had a company dropbox account how would you determine the following:

1. What information was synced to dropbox

2. What information was deleted from his local dropbox sync folders

3. What account is associated with the dropbox 

4. When the dropbox account was deleted 

The Winning Answer:


The Team Management capability with-in Dropbox allows the manager to “Track Logins, Devices and Locations”  works with Active Directory, you can check under “my devices” to see what device last logged in, the most recent activity (files uploaded, downloaded, deleted), the ip address used, and browser type being used .

I'm putting this into the 'things to follow up on' bucket and will write more about it later in the year.

Also Read: Daily Blog #77

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